Ludo Gielen is appointed to new top position at Schoeller Allibert

Ludo Gielen is appointed to new top position at Schoeller Allibert

Ludo Gielen, Chief Marketing & Innovation Officer at Schoeller Allibert since 2013 has been appointed to a new top position within the company. As Chief Strategic Growth Officer, the Limburg Entrepreneur is taking on the challenge of preparing the Schoeller Allibert Group for a strong period of growth. Schoeller Allibert is the European market leader in reusable plastic packaging and containers, offering sustainable alternatives to disposable single-use packaging made of cardboard and wood. Last month, the construction of the brand-new Belgian Schoeller Allibert facility in Beringen started: a greenfield that will eventually employ about 70 people and in which Ludo Gielen himself is investing considerably.

The Schoeller Allibert Group is facing a period of strong growth. In order to lift the commercial strategy to a higher level during this growth period, Ludo Gielen, in the role of Chief Strategic Growth Officer, will link the innovation team, the sales department, Global Key Account Management and the marketing department to each other. The commercial strategy under the leadership of Ludo Gielen will mainly focus on the introduction of new products, the ‘routes-to-market’ strategy and the optimisation of the worldwide sales process.

Huge growth potential
“I firmly believe in the future of reusable plastic packaging and containers, as well as in the possible growth of Schoeller Allibert,” says Ludo Gielen. “The market of ‘returnable transport packaging’ or reusable and sustainable packaging barely forms one percent of the worldwide production of all packaging products … which means that the growth potential of Schoeller Allibert is enormous. Now I will be taking on a key role in the process of persuading the industry and the consumer. From this new position, I can ensure the connection, the coordination and the collaboration of our different departments, so that – together – we can achieve a strong commercial strategy.”

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