Mentor And FLTA Tell Visitors The Trith About Forklift Safety.

Mentor And FLTA Tell Visitors The Trith About Forklift Safety.

Mentor FLT Training are joining the Fork Lift Truck Association for a must-see seminar at The Health and Safety Event NEC in March.

Forming part of the Safer Logistics programme, the joint presentation entitled, ‘The truth about forklift safety and how to make a difference’, will be delivered by FLTA CEO Peter Harvey and Mentor FLT Training MD Stuart Taylor. Both are returning speakers and this year will turn their attention to thecauses and consequences of accidents,and how you can prevent them from happening. In particular, they will highlight the role of human error and the importance of safety awareness for everyone working in the vicinity of MHE.
The seminar takes place on Wednesday 22nd March in the Safer Logistics Theatre as part of The Health and Safety Event, Birmingham NEC. Running from 21st-23rdMarch, the event offersa great opportunity to network and get the latest advice and guidance from industry experts, with 200 exhibitor stands and 48 free sessions taking place.
Registration is free; to find out more about The Health and Safety Event and get your free ticket, visit:

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